eHealth TC Best Paper Awards Designation (finalized, to be announced during next eHealth TC meeting during Globecom’2017)
Calling Nomination for eHealth TC Best Paper Awards
Summary of the award:
The eHealth Award Committee* wishes to award prizes for the best paper and the best student paper awards published in peer-reviewed journals/conferences/workshops during the last 3 years (2014 ~ 2016). The best paper prizes are awarded to authors’ who are meeting the requirement listed below.
Area of the paper to be nominated:
- eHealth
- Associated eHealth area of the contribution
- Merging eHealth applications
- The paper must appear in print in a peer-reviewed journal, a peer-reviewed conference or workshop proceedings since January 1, 2014, i.e., from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016 (3 yrs window).
- The specific technical content of the nominated paper is expected to have rigours articulations to the general theme of eHealth.
- The nominated paper needs to show originality and substantial technological impact or potential technological impact on both the theory and the practice of the existing/future eHealth systems, or on emerging eHealth technologies that are gaining momentum.
- A paper may be nominated for both awards, but only one will be awarded.
Additional Eligibility for Best Student Paper Award:
The first author must be a student at the time of the publication and when the paper is accepted for publication; or a graduate whose paper is submitted for publication within 6 months of his/her graduation date. The contribution of the first author must be greater than 50%.
Nomination can be solicited by General Chairs, TPC chairs, Workshop chairs, Journal/Magazine editors, and/or self-nomination. In addition, professional network colleagues having accurate authentication also can submit the nomination on behalf of the original authors’.
Conflict of Interest (CoI):
The award committee will manage the CoI very closely given that any member of the committee, colleagues and/or PhD supervision is a contributor of the applicant’s paper.
If awarded, all the co-authors will receive a plaque.
The awards will be delivered during the IEEE Globecom’2017 conference award session and one of the authors will be invited to give a summary talk on the scientific and/or technical contribution during the eHealth TC meeting.
Submission due by : 31 July 2017
Please e-mail your nomination to:
King Regards,
The eHealth Award Committee