The N&E Committee shall come into existence at the eHealth TC meeting held at IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC) alternatively at IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) preceding the actual election (normally held during GLOBECOM) and shall be dissolved thirty days after the elections have been fully completed.

The N&E committee member shall consist of past chairs and any other eHealth TC active members selected by the current Chair. A Nominations & Elections (N&E) Committee that consists of three to five volunteers who are Active Members, shall facilitate the election of new officers. The nomination committee shall include up to two former committee chairs or steering committee members (including the current committee chair).

The current chair shall also chair the N&E Committee.

The purpose of the N&E Committee is:
a) to determine deadline for submitting nominations,
b) to offer candidate names for all elected officer positions, It is desirable that the
N&E Committee identifies at least two candidates for each officer position.
Eligible candidates for an officer’s position should be active members of the
eHealth TC.
c) to define the tool/way of election,
d) to conduct the election.

The N&E Committee shall also make biographies and position statements of candidates available to those eligible to vote. The N&E Committee shall announce its slate of candidates at least two weeks before an election is to be held.

Such announcement shall be via email. Members shall be able to submit nominations via email to the N&E Committee up to the deadline specified by N&E Committee. The deadline should be no later than two months before the election meeting. Such “write-in” candidates must receive at least five supporting “signatures” (via email) of Voting Members. All candidates, however they are identified, must be Voting Members, must consent to being nominated, and must show willingness to serve.

Candidates shall be permitted to “advertise” their candidacy on the eHealth TC email distribution list. TC elections are conducted by the N&E Committee and held by the means decided by the N&E Committee (email, via web-based system, or show of hands at the eHealth TC meeting). Only Voting Members can vote. For show of hands voting at eHealth TC meeting, actual nominations from the floor are also acceptable however, it is desirable that extemporaneous, from-the-floor nominations, receive support from five members at the meeting. For electronic voting (e.g., email or web-based) it is necessary to register to vote.

The quorum for a valid election is equal to two-thirds of the voting members.

The current composition of the N&E is the following:

  • Prof. Hsi-Pin Ma (former eHealth TC Chair), Taiwan
  • Prof. Shiwen Mao (IEEE Healthcom Steering Committee Chair), USA
  • Prof. Honggang Wang (eHealth TC Chair), USA