*Approved at the eHealth TC meeting held during IEEE GLOBECOM 2011.

Modifications approved at the eHealth TC meeting held during IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 on Dec. 5, 2016, Washington, DC, USA, Modifications approved at the eHealth TC meeting held during IEEE ICC 2018 on May 23, 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA. Modifications inserted from the updated IEEE ComSoc P&P (November 2019), showed at the eHealth TC meeting held during IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 on Dec. 11, 2019, Huawaii, USA. Modifications inserted from the updated IEEE ComSoc P&P (July 2020), showed at the eHealth TC meeting held during IEEE ICC 2020 on July, 22th, 2021, Virtual Meeting.


Any IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) member can be a Member of the Technical Committee on eHealth (eHealth-TC). Two levels of memberships are defined:

Active Member – to become the Active Member it is necessary to be the Ordinary Member and also to satisfy the following condition:

– has attended at least (physically) 2 face to face meetings during the last 2 years before election (not including the meeting during which the election happens)

Ordinary Member – to become the Ordinary Member it is necessary to subscribe to the eHealth-TC mailing list as it is specified on the eHealth-TC Web page.

Update, July, 22th, 2020:
Since there is no “Active Member” definition in the IEEE ComSoc ByLaws (only “Voting member”), the TC unanimously approved to replace the expression “Active Member” with the expression “Voting Member”.

Consequently the new membership definitions will be:

Member: any IEEE ComSoc member who is in a good state and who subscribe to the eHealth-TC mailing list as it is specified on the eHealth-TC Web page.
Voting Member: to become Voting Member it is necessary to be the a Member and also to satisfy the following condition:
• attended at least (physically) 2 face to face meetings during the last 2 years before election (not including the meeting during which the election happens

The eHealth-TC Secretary is responsible for maintaining an attendance list for each meeting. The list of Active Members should be maintained based on TC meetings attendance lists.

All meetings of the eHealth-TC are open.


The committee has the following three officers:

  1. Chair
  2. Vice Chair
  3. Secretary

The committee has three elected officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. Each position is for a term of two years.

The Chair of the committee reports directly to the Vice President Technical Activities within the guidelines of ComSoc and represents the committee to TAC and to any other ComSoc committee or board meeting, which requires representation. The Chair’s responsibilities include the support to ComSoc activities, the dissemination of relevant information as well as the promotion of ComSoc activities among its membership. The chair is responsible for planning the committee activities, including committee meetings, and is also responsible for managing the committee finances. The Chair shall propose changes to the committee policies and procedures to adapt the committee legislation to the dynamics of ComSoc. The chair shall actively promote membership programs. The Chair can replace the Vice-chair and the secretary upon approval of the membership at a committee meeting in case responsibilities are not carried out appropriately by these officers.

Vice Chair supports the Chair in conducting the committee’s business and assumes the Chair’s responsibilities in case of his/her absence. The Vice Chair is responsible for soliciting ComSoc Vice President of Technical Activities replacement of the Chair in case of unjustified or unacceptable prolonged absence.

The Secretary keeps a record of the committee meetings and minutes of the meetings, helps the chair to conduct his responsibilities and is responsible for maintaining the committee Webpage and repositories. The secretary shall keep the membership list. Secretary of the committee will maintain an updated list of the committee membership. He/she will also maintain an attendance list for the members who participate in the committee meetings. This list will be considered a part of the minutes of the committee meetings. The secretary is responsible for soliciting ComSoc Vice President of Technical Activities replacement of the Chair and of the Vice-Chair in case of unjustified or unacceptable prolonged absence of both officers.

If position of an officer becomes vacant prior to the normal conclusion of his/her term, the position will be filled for the remaining term through a special election by the committee membership. However, if the position is not filled, for whatever reason, prior to or at the next regularly scheduled committee meeting, the Vice President technical Activities, in consultation with the current committee officers, shall appoint someone to serve for the remainder of the interrupted term.

The committee, at its discretion, may add additional elected and/or appointed (non-officer) positions for efficient operation of the committee.

In summary, officers duties include:

Chair’s duties:

– Plans and announces committee meetings;

– Conducts the committee meetings;

– Attend TAC meetings as the committee’s representative as well as any other meeting requiring participation of the committee;

– Delegates responsibilities to other committee members;

– Manage the committee finances;

– Approve members for the Steering Committee;

– Support ComSoc activities.

Vice-Chair’s duties:

– Assume Chair’s responsibilities in absence of chair;

– Work with the Chair to prepare agenda for the committee meetings;

– Advise Chair on issues related to the committee’s activities.

Secretary’s duties:

– Work with Chair to prepare meeting agenda;

– Take minutes and attendance at the committee meetings;

– Keep a record of meetings minutes;

– Maintain a list of the committee membership;

– Maintain a list of the committee active Members;

– Distribute information to the committee membership (by email or other means);

– Maintain information on the committee’s website;

– Maintain the committee’s electronic resource repository, where members of the community can contribute source code, algorithms and relevant material for the membership.


Elections will occur every two years and will be ratified at the eHealth TC meeting held normally at IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) alternatively during IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC). Only Active Members may vote.

eHealth TC has three elected officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary. Chair, Vice-chair, and Secretary, each of whom must be the Active Member of the TC. Student Members are not permitted to serve as elected TC officers.

For maintaining continuity in committee activities as the term of the committee officers expires, the normal procedure will be such that the actual Vice Chair of the committee assumes the Chair’s position, actual Secretary of the committee assumes the Vice Chair’s position. Nominations and election will be held for the position of secretary. Past committee chairs will assist in identifying candidates for the position of the Secretary.

The nominal term for Chair, Vice-chair and Secretary and shall be two years. Officers can be elected to a different position  but in no case shall one person continuously serve as a TC officer within the same TC for more than six years.

The N&E Committee shall come into existence at the eHealth TC meeting held at IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC) alternatively at IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) preceding the actual election (normally held during GLOBECOM) and shall be dissolved thirty days after the elections have been fully completed.

The N&E committee member shall consist of past chairs and any other eHealth TC active members selected by the current Chair.

A Nominations & Elections (N&E) Committee that consists of three to five volunteers who are Active Members, shall facilitate the election of new officers. The nomination committee shall include up to two former committee chairs or steering committee members (including the current committee chair).

The current chair shall also chair the N&E Committee. The N&E Committee shall come into existence at the TC meeting held at IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC) or IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) preceding the actual election and shall be dissolved thirty days after the elections have been fully completed.

The purpose of the N&E Committee is:

  1. a) to determine deadline for submitting nominations,
  2. b) to offer candidate names for all elected officer positions, It is desirable that the N&E Committee identifies at least two candidates for each officer position. Eligible candidates for an officer’s position should be active members of the eHealth TC.
  3. c) to define the tool/way of election,
  4. d) to conduct the election.

Update, July, 22th, 2020:
Any eHealth TC member (excluded Student Members) can candidate for the Secretary position.

The N&E Committee shall also make biographies and position statements of candidates available to those eligible to vote. The N&E Committee shall announce its slate of candidates at least two weeks before an election is to be held. Such announcement shall be via email. Members shall be able to submit nominations via email to the N&E Committee up to the deadline specified by N&E Committee. The deadline should be no later than two months before the election meeting. Such “write-in” candidates must receive at least five supporting “signatures” (via email) of Active Members. All candidates, however they are identified, must be Active Members, must consent to being nominated, and must show willingness to serve.

Candidates shall be permitted to “advertise” their candidacy on the eHealth TC email distribution list.

TC elections are conducted by the N&E Committee and held by the means decided by the N&E Committee (email, via web-based system, or show of hands at the eHealth TC meeting). Only Active Members can vote. For show of hands voting at eHealth TC meeting, actual nominations from the floor are also acceptable however, it is desirable that extemporaneous, from-the-floor nominations, receive support from five members at the meeting. For electronic voting (e.g., email or web-based) it is necessary to register to vote. The quorum for a valid election is equal to two-thirds of the voters.

Election: Technical Committee elections shall be administered by the eHealth TC Chair or, in his/her absence, any other elected officer, normally during a TC meeting at GLOBECOM. In the case of two candidates for a position, election is by simple majority. For the case of more than two candidates, selection proceeds by attending voting members through a series of elections: at each stage, the individual gathering the fewest votes is eliminated, until only two remain. In the event of a tie, votes shall again be cast until the tie is broken. If that is not possible, the eHealth TC officer running the election shall cast a tie-breaking vote. eHealth TC elections will normally be open. However, upon the request of any member, the election shall proceed by secret ballot. Votes will be counted by at least one eHealth officer and any other member (officer or not). A record of vote cast must be retained for post-election audit purposes.

• After each election of officers, the TC Chair shall provide an Election Report to the Director-Technical Committees and the VP-TEA within two weeks. The Election Report shall contain:
◦ An outline of the election process
◦ Name of the person preparing the ballot
◦ The candidates for each office and how the candidates were selected for the ballot
◦ The IEEE number for each candidate
◦ The method of voting (in person, electronically, by teleconference, etc.)
◦ The method used to determine which members are entitled to vote.
◦ A list of those members who voted in the election
◦  The actual vote tally by candidate.
• Election results shall be authorized by the Director – Technical Committees upon consultation with the VP-TEA.
• Election results become valid when approved by the Director – Technical Committees and the VP-TEA. The Director of Technical Committees or the VP- TEA shall accordingly notify the serving TC chair within two weeks after receipt of the Election Report.
• If the Director – Technical Committees does not authorize the election results, the Director shall organize a new election on behalf of the TC.

All candidates shall be informed of election results and be permitted to appeal the outcome. The TC Secretary shall keep record of votes cast for postelection audit purposes. Newly elected ehealth TC officers assume their positions at the conclusion of eHealth TC meeting on which the election was held or the N&E Committee reports the election outcome.


Committee meetings will be scheduled twice a year at ICC and GLOBECOM conferences. Meeting announcements and agenda for the meeting will be distributed to the committee membership via email and posted on the web site at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The meeting times will also be posted on the committee website. Minutes of the meetings should be posted on the web site as well as distributed via the committee mailing list at most one month after the meeting. The committee always encourages conference participants to attend the committee meetings and join the committee membership.


The eHealth TC Chair shall request the VP-TA to inform the TC of its budget, and shall provide budget requests to the VP-TA in time for consideration by the ComSoc Board of Governors during its budget approval process. When the eHealth TC feels that funds are needed to fulfil its mission, a proposal will be prepared by one or more eHealth TC Officers for discussion and approval at a eHealth TC meeting. (Such discussion can also be carried out via the eHealth TC’s email list.) The proposal should contain sufficient detail about the activity for which funds are sought and justification for funds being requested. If the eHealth TC agrees to the proposal, it will be submitted to the VP-TA for his/her approval. If approved, funds will be used in accord with ComSoc procedures. The Secretary of the eHealth TC will maintain a record of expenses. Invoices are sent to the VP-TA for approval, and then to ComSoc headquarters for payment or reimbursement.


As appropriate, eHealth TC will be active in all of ComSoc’s activities. This will include ComSoc conferences (such as ICC, GLOBECOM, HEALTHCOM,  INFOCOM, MILCOM, etc.) by providing representatives to their respective Technical Program Committees, by soliciting assistance from its membership to provide professional review of submitted papers, and by organizing mini-conferences, symposia, panels, short courses, tutorials, etc., as deemed appropriate by the Society and eHealth TC.

Further, eHealth TC can individually organize workshops and conferences.

Collaborative sessions with other committees will be endorsed and heartily encouraged.

As new technologies and application areas emerge, eHealth TC will seek to address aspects of these topics relative to its charter, and work with both the Strategic Planning Committee and Emerging Technologies Committee.

eHealth TC will further support ComSoc journals, magazines, and standards activities by soliciting volunteers as authors and editors, submitting proposals, and identifying committee members from its membership.

eHealth TC will seek ways to increase active participation of its members in information exchange related to the charter of this Committee, such as: stimulating Feature Topics and Special Issues of ComSoc journals and magazines; and by endorsing conferences, workshops, tutorials, short courses, panel sessions, etc. on special topics.

eHealth TC particularly supports the IEEE HEALTHCOM, already belonging to the ComSoc portfolio events and should be active in its management. TC chair shall be a member of the Healthcom SC and be involved in major decisions on behalf of the TC.

IEEE Healthcom SC shall solicit the eHealth TC to nominates members to actively participate in the organisation of the conference as General Chair(s), TPC Chair(s) or TPC membership.



The committee shall nominate chairs for supported events in particular HEALTHCOM, GLOBECOM and ICC. It shall consider in priority its Active Members.

The nominated member should satisfy the following conditions:

– Exhibit a good scientific record

– Commit to fairness and ethic

– Show willingness to serve and Commit to spend time for these activities

– Commit to report to the TC

In addition, two other eligibility conditions apply:

– Not chaired any eHealth TC main event more than 2 times during a period of  2 years.

– Not chaired the same eHealth TC events during the last 2 years.

* Chaired means fulfilled a General (co) chair or TPC (co) chair position in any eHealth TC main event namely HEALTHCOM/GLOBECOM/ICC


The committee shall have a steering committee composed of past chairs who will act as a consulting board to ensure continuity of the committee identity and by eminent ComSoc personalities in the field of eHealth that can contribute and work in strait cooperation with the eHealth-TC officers. Members of the committee are appointed by the chair.


The Committee chair can create and appoint members for ad-hoc committees which major responsibility is to advice the chair in specific matters. Ad-hoc committees should be published on the committee website.


Liaisons can be created by the chair for interaction with other committees / conferences committees / working groups / other bodies operating in the specific areas of the committee charter. Each liaison will have a reference person nominated by the Chair. The list of liaisons should be published on the committee website.


The committee shall have an electronic newsletter aimed at disseminating information of interest of the committee membership. The Electronic Newsletter shall have one co-editor from industry and one editor from academia. It shall be distributed on the mailing list as well as posted on the web page. Electronic Newsletter Editors are announced through the committee mailing list and published on the committee Website.


There are 4 categories of awards:

– Conference Best Paper Award;

– Best Paper Award;

– Distinguished Service Award;

– Career Achievement award.

The award includes a plaque and should be given at an eHealth-TC meeting.

The periodicity of the issuing of award as well the eHealth-TC meeting at which the award will be given shall be determined by the eHealth-TC chair by consulting the eHealth-TC Award subcommittee. The award winners should be listed in the eHealth-TC Web page.

eHealth-TC Award subcommittee

The award subcommittee is the body responsible for indicating to the eHealth-TC Chair those individuals to receive awards.

The award subcommittee should be composed by at least 3 and at most 6 eHealth-TC members.

The award subcommittee shall have a chair responsible for conducting the selection process.

The award Subcommittee chair and members shall be indicated by TC chair and approved by the eHealth-TC at the first eHealth-TC meeting after the meeting the current chair was elected.

Any member of the eHealth-TC award subcommittee can be replaced by the TC Chair if not carrying out one’s responsibilities appropriately.


The eHealth-TC Chair is not eligible for any award.

Any member of the award subcommittee nominated for an award shall not participate in the selection process.

The eHealth-TC Chair shall replace any member of the subcommittee award if the number of active members in this committee is less than 3.


Nominations shall be solicited by the chair of the eHealth-TC Award subcommittee at TC meetings or via e-mail posted on the committee mailing list.

The solicitation of nominations for the awards via the TC mailing list and via the eHealth-TC Web page is mandatory and should detail the nomination process.

Except for the Conference Best Paper award it is recommended that nominations should include: Award name, Nominator name, affiliation, and contact info, Nominee name & affiliation, Up to one page supporting statement.

Selection Process

The eHealth-TC Award subcommittee is responsible for indicating the individuals selected to receive the awards to the TC Chair.

Final decision shall be made by the award committee and approved by eHealth-TC Chair.

Decision shall be made in a period which will make feasible the handling of the award at the designated eHealth-TC meeting.

Selection criteria shall be established by the eHealth-TC Award subcommittee Chair.

The eHealth-TC Award subcommittee Chair shall discuss with the subcommittee members the criteria to be employed.

The reviews, voting and any deliberations of the award subcommittee shall stay strictly confidential. No correspondence will be sent to authors of the nominated papers, and no complaint will be considered during the election process.

Each award has its own selection procedure.

Procedures for Selection Process of each Award

Conference Best Paper Award

Basis for Judging:

– The topic must be consistent with the focus of the eHealth-TC

– The quality of the paper must be outstanding


Any paper published in the proceedings of an IEEE ComSoc- and/or eHealth – endorsed congress/conference/workshop/symposium, in the two years preceding the nomination.

Selection process:

– The chair of the event from which a paper will be selected shall indicate no less than 3 consistent papers within the scope of the eHealth-TC

The chair of the conference should select the papers among the ones best ranked.

The chair of the conference shall not rank the selected papers when indicating them to the Award subcommittee.

Best Paper Award

Basis for Judging:

– The topic must be within the eHealth committee scope

– The quality of the paper must be outstanding


Any paper published in an IEEE ComSoc journal/magazine or in the proceedings of an IEEE ComSoc-endorsed conference/workshop/symposium, in the previous three years of the nomination.

At least three papers should be considered for selection.

Distinguished Service Award

Basis for Judging:

Exemplary service to eHealth-TC over a sustained period of time.


The nominee must have been a eHealth-TC active member for a sustained period of time.

Career Achievement Award

Basis for Judgement: outstanding contribution over a sustained period of time or a breakthrough contribution.

• The Chair of the TC Awards Subcommittee shall prepare an Awards Selection Report containing the following information for each award:
◦ the process conducted to select the award recipient,
◦ the names of all candidates for the award,
◦ the name of the recipient of the award and associated justification
• The TC Chair shall send the Awards Selection Report to the Technical Committees Director for approval. The Technical Committees Director shall approve the Awards Selection Report within two weeks of receipt. If the Director does not approve the report, the TC Chair shall be contacted to discuss the issues raised. A revised report may be submitted to the Director for approval. If the outstanding issues are not resolved between the Director and the TC Chair, the VP-TEA shall bring the matter to the TEA-C for a final decision.
• Once the Awards Selection Report has been approved, and only then, the final award recipients may be announced. Approval of P&Ps

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