eHealth Interest Groups (IGs)

The eHealth TC has approved the formation of four different Interest Groups (IGs).

Every IG represents a precise and important opportunity to discuss, work and propose new eHealth-based initiatives. IGs can also be seen as an important opportunity to strengthen the collaborations among members inside the TC itself.

These are the created IGs along with the related chair(s):
Smart and connect health: ChunSheng Xin (, Sabah Mohammed (;
Big data for e-Health: Jinan Fiadhi (;
Future technologies for the health of the ageing brain: Michael Taynnan Barros (;
Blockchain for e-Health: Simon Fong (;

The task of the IG(s) chair(s) is to propose new initiatives and activities related to the topics that such IG skims.

The TC warmly encourages all the members who are working on one (or more than one) topics related to the aforementioned IGs to contact the related chair(s) to form a working group and to be updated on the initiatives that IG is proposing. Obviously, ideas, suggestions and proposal from all of you are allowed and very much welcomed.

The chairs will gather suggestions and initiatives and they will propose them to the TC during the eHealth meeting that will be held in GC 2018, Abu Dhabi.

eHealth TC Best Paper Awards Designation (finalized, to be announced during next eHealth TC meeting during Globecom’2017)

Calling Nomination for eHealth TC Best Paper Awards
Summary of the award:

The eHealth Award Committee* wishes to award prizes for the best paper and the best student paper awards published in peer-reviewed journals/conferences/workshops during the last 3 years (2014 ~ 2016). The best paper prizes are awarded to authors’ who are meeting the requirement listed below.

Area of the paper to be nominated:

  1. eHealth
  2. Associated eHealth area of the contribution
  3. Merging eHealth applications


  • The paper must appear in print in a peer-reviewed journal, a peer-reviewed conference or workshop proceedings since January 1, 2014, i.e., from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016 (3 yrs window).
  • The specific technical content of the nominated paper is expected to have rigours articulations to the general theme of eHealth.
  • The nominated paper needs to show originality and substantial technological impact or potential technological impact on both the theory and the practice of the existing/future eHealth systems, or on emerging eHealth technologies that are gaining momentum.
  • A paper may be nominated for both awards, but only one will be awarded.

Additional Eligibility for Best Student Paper Award:

The first author must be a student at the time of the publication and when the paper is accepted for publication; or a graduate whose paper is submitted for publication within 6 months of his/her graduation date. The contribution of the first author must be greater than 50%.


Nomination can be solicited by General Chairs, TPC chairs, Workshop chairs, Journal/Magazine editors, and/or self-nomination. In addition, professional network colleagues having accurate authentication also can submit the nomination on behalf of the original authors’.

Conflict of Interest (CoI):

The award committee will manage the CoI very closely given that any member of the committee, colleagues and/or PhD supervision is a contributor of the applicant’s paper.

If awarded, all the co-authors will receive a plaque.

The awards will be delivered during the IEEE Globecom’2017 conference award session and one of the authors will be invited to give a summary talk on the scientific and/or technical contribution during the eHealth TC meeting.

Submission due by : 31 July 2017



Please e-mail your nomination to:

King Regards,
The eHealth Award Committee


IEEE ICC 2017 eHealth Technical Committee meeting

IEEE Comsoc Technical Committee on eHealth that will be held on:

                    Monday, May 22th, 2017 from ~17:00 to ~19:00
at Hyatt Regency Etoile Hotel (*), Room: Luxembourg-Tuileries

                    7 min walk from IEEE ICC main venue.

New TC website

The new TC website has been migrated to new platform.

New Officier Election Results

New officer election were arranged in the TC meeting on Dec. 8 in IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA. The newly elected officers (term 2016-2017) are:

  • Chair: Prof. Nazim Agoulmine
  • Vice Chair: Prof. Hsi-Pin Ma
  • Secretary: Prof. Honggang Wang

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